Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization Contact Us Today

Our approach is simple. Our process is comprehensive. Our results are clear.


Drive visitors to your web property.

Our Approach

Pay Per Click advertising is not just something that you throw at the wall to see what sticks, but a very exact science of analytics, research and testing to achieve the highest level of relevancy and cost efficiency across the campaign. Strong call to action development, ad creation, keyword research, landing page development, geo-targeting and A/B testing are all part of what makes up a successful PPC campaign. And what’s in it for you?


Pay Per Click marketing campaigns offer a multitude of opportunities to your business’s online positioning. First and foremost, PPC drives immediate, qualified traffic to your website offerings, increasing your chances of converting that visitor to a customer. Secondly, PPC services provide valuable metrics about how and what people search for regarding your products or services. This information then, in turn, helps you refine your content marketing and SEO. One more way Zenco Gets You Found!

Questions? Ready to get started? Get in touch!

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